Disney's Stitch


Meet Stitch, the beloved character from Disney’s “Lilo and Stitch.” Also known as Experiment 626, Stitch is a unique, genetically engineered extraterrestrial life-form, resembling an adorable blue koala. Created by the“evil genius” Dr. Jumba Jookiba, Stitch is designed to cause chaos across the galaxy. Despite his mischievous nature, this Stitch is irresistibly cute and fluffy, making him the perfect addition to any Disney Steiff collection.

Age 3+

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Disney's Stitch


Meet Stitch, the beloved character from Disney’s “Lilo and Stitch.” Also known as Experiment 626, Stitch is a unique, genetically engineered extraterrestrial life-form, resembling an adorable blue koala. Created by the“evil genius” Dr. Jumba Jookiba, Stitch is designed to cause chaos across the galaxy. Despite his mischievous nature, this Stitch is irresistibly cute and fluffy, making him the perfect addition to any Disney Steiff collection.

Age 3+

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